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AHS - Automatic Horizon System

AHS - "Automatic Horizon System"
Presentation Trailer

AHS Track Test 1

AHS - Track test 1

AHS Track test 2

AHS - Track test 2

AHS Street test

AHS - Street test

Ahs Minibike test

AHS - Minibike test

"AHS" -  Automatic Horizon System
Supporto munito di piattaforma giroscopica "6DOF" in grado di mantenere la Vostra telecamera sempre orizzontale rispetto al terreno.
Fate qualsiasi piega ed otterrete riprese come le camere girocopiche delle Moto Gp!

"AHS" - Automatic Horizon System
Support with "6DOF" gyroscopic platform that can keep your camera always horizontal  respect to the ground.
Take any lean angle and make films like Moto Gp gyroscopic cameras!

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